@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', __('System Status')) @section('sidebar') @include('partials/sidebar_menu_toggle') @include('system/sidebar_menu') @endsection @section('content')
{{ __('App Version') }} |
@if (!\Config::get('app.disable_updating'))
@if ($new_version_available)
{{ \Config::get('app.version') }}
{{ __('A new version is available') }}: {{ $latest_version }} ({{ __('View details') }})
{{ \Config::get('app.version') }}
{{ __('Check for updates') }}
@if ($latest_version_error)
{{ $latest_version_error }}
{{ \Config::get('app.version') }}
{{ __('Date & Time') }} | {{ App\User::dateFormat(new Illuminate\Support\Carbon(), 'M j, Y H:i', null, true, false) }} |
{{ __('Timezone') }} (.env) | {{ \Config::get('app.timezone') }} (GMT{{ date('O') }}) |
{{ __('Protocol') }} | |
Proxy |
@if (!$cloudflare_is_used) @endif{{ 'CloudFlare' }} ({{ __('read more') }})
{{ __('.env file') }} | @if (\File::exists(base_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.env')) {{ 'Exists'}} @else {{ 'Not found'}} @endif |
DB |
{{ ucfirst(\DB::connection()->getPDO()->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)) }} ({{ \DB::connection()->getPDO()->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION) }})
@if ($missing_migrations)
{{ 'Migrate DB' }}
@foreach($missing_migrations as $missing_migration)
{{ $missing_migration }}
@endforeach |
{{ __('Web Server') }} | @if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])){{ $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] }}@else ? @endif |
{{ __('PHP Version') }} | PHP {{ phpversion() }} |
PHP upload_max_filesize / post_max_size | {{ ini_get('upload_max_filesize') }} / {{ ini_get('post_max_size') }} |
{{ $extension_name }}@if ($extension_name == 'intl' && !$extension_status) {{ __('(optional)') }}@endif | @if ($extension_status) OK @else {{ __('Not found') }} @endif |
{{ $functions_name }} | @if ($functions_status) OK @else {{ __('Not found') }} @endif |
{{ $perm_path }} |
@if ($perm_path == 'storage/framework/cache/data/')
@if ($non_writable_cache_file)
{{ __('Non-writable files found') }}
{{ $non_writable_cache_file }} {{ __('Run the following command') }} ({{ __('read more') }}): sudo chown -R www-data:www-data {{ base_path() }}
@elseif (!$perm['status'])
{{ __('Not writable') }} @if ($perm['value'])({{ $perm['value'] }})@endif
@if ($perm['status'])
{{ __('Not writable') }} @if ($perm['value'])({{ $perm['value'] }})@endif
{{ __('Run the following command') }} ({{ __('read more') }}): sudo chown -R www-data:www-data {{ base_path() }}
public/storage (symlink) |
@if ($public_symlink_exists)
{{ __('Not found') }}
{{ __('Create symlink manually') }}:
ln -s storage/app/public public/storage |
.env | @if ($env_is_writable) OK @else {{ __('Not writable') }} @endif |
{!! __('Make sure that you have the following line in your crontab:') !!}
* * * * * php {{ base_path() }}/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
{!! __('Alternatively cron job can be executed by requesting the following URL every minute (this method is not recommended as some features may not work as expected, use it at your own risk)') !!}:
{{ route('system.cron', ['hash' => \Helper::getWebCronHash()]) }}
{{ $command['name'] }} | {!! $command['status_text'] !!} @if ($command['name'] == 'freescout:fetch-emails' && $command['status'] != "success") ({{ __('See logs') }}) @endif |
{{ __('Queued Jobs') }} |
{{ __('Total') }}: {{ count($queued_jobs)}}
@foreach ($queued_jobs as $job)
$payload = $job->getPayloadDecoded();
{{ __('Failed Jobs') }} |
{{ __('Total') }}: 0) class="text-danger" @endif >{{ count($failed_jobs) }} @if (count($failed_jobs)) @endif
@foreach ($failed_jobs as $job)
$payload = $job->getPayloadDecoded();