{{-- Languages strings and custom variables passed to JS. After changing this file make sure to run: php artisan freescout:build --}} /** * This file has been generated by console command: php artisan freescout:generate-vars * If you need to make changes, please edit /resources/views/js/vars.js template. */ {{-- Global vars for JS. Set in /app/Console/Commands/GenerateJs.php --}} var Vars = { public_url: '{{ config('app.url') }}', subtype_forward: '{{ \App\Thread::SUBTYPE_FORWARD }}', conv_type_phone: '{{ \App\Conversation::TYPE_PHONE }}', conv_type_custom: '{{ \App\Conversation::TYPE_CUSTOM }}' }; {{-- Localized JS strings. Usage: Lang.get('messages.ajax_error'); Lang.get('messages.ajax_error', { name: 'Joe' }); --}} var LangMessages = { @foreach ($locales as $locale) @php app()->setLocale($locale); @endphp "{{ $locale }}.messages": { {{-- Add here strings which you need to be translated in JS--}} "ajax_error": "{{ __("Error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again.") }}", "error_occurred": "{{ __("Error occurred. Please try again later.") }}", "error_occurred_updating": "{{ __('Error occurred. Please try again or try another :%a_start%update method:%a_end%', ['%a_start%' => '', '%a_end%' => '']) }}", "upload_attachments": "{{ __("Upload Attachments") }}", "saved_replies": "{{ __("Saved Replies") }}", "save_draft": "{{ __("Save Draft") }}", "discard": "{{ __("Discard") }}", "close": "{{ __("Close") }}", "cancel": "{{ __("Cancel") }}", "settings_saved": "{{ __("Settings saved") }}", "insert_var": "{{ __("Insert variable") }}", "mailbox": "{{ __("Mailbox") }}", "email": "{{ __("Email") }}", "name": "{{ __("Name") }}", "conversation": "{{ __("Conversation") }}", "number": "{{ __("Number") }}", "customer": "{{ __("Customer") }}", "full_name": "{{ __("Full Name") }}", "first_name": "{{ __("First Name") }}", "last_name": "{{ __("Last Name") }}", "email_addr": "{{ __("Email Address") }}", "company": "{{ __("Company") }}", "job_title": "{{ __("Job Title") }}", "phone": "{{ __("Phone Number") }}", "photo_url": "{{ __("Profile Photo (URL)") }}", "from_name": "{{ __("From name") }}", "user": "{{ __("User") }}", "confirm_change_customer": "{{ __("Change the customer to :customer_email?") }}", "invite_sent": "{{ __("Invite email has been sent") }}", "invite_resent": "{{ __("Invite email has been resent") }}", "confirm_reset_password": "{{ __("Reset this User's password?") }}", "push_protocol_alert": "{{ __("HTTPS protocol is required for the browser push notifications to work.") }}", "lost_connection": "{{ __("Lost internet connection") }}", "connection_restored": "{{ __("Connection restored") }}", "saved": "{{ __("Saved") }}", "confirm_discard_draft": "{{ __("Discard this draft?") }}", "yes": "{{ __("Yes") }}", "confirm_delete_photo": "{{ __("Delete this photo?") }}", "delete": "{{ __("Delete") }}", "email_sent": "{{ __("Email passed for delivery. If you don't receive a test email, check your mail server logs.") }}", "connection_established": "{{ __("Connection established!") }}", "confirm_delete_conversation": "{{ __("Delete this conversation?") }}", "drag_image_file": "{{ __("Drag image or file here") }}", "confirm_delete_module": "{{ __("Delete this module?") }}", "confirm_update": "{{ __("Please backup application files and database before you continue.") }}", "remove_format": "{{ __("Remove Formatting") }}", "list": "{{ __("List") }}", "add_lower": "{{ __("add") }}", "user_viewing": "{{ __(":user is viewing") }}", "user_replying": "{{ __(":user is replying") }}", "new_message": "{{ __("New message") }}", "view_new_message": "{{ __("View new message") }}", "view_new_messages": "{{ __("View new messages (:count)") }}", @action('js.lang.messages') "update": "{{ __("Update") }}" }@if (!$loop->last),@endif @endforeach }; @php app()->setLocale(\Helper::getRealAppLocale()); @endphp (function () { Lang = new Lang(); Lang.setMessages(LangMessages); })();