{{ csrf_field() }} {{--

{{ __("These settings are used to send system emails (alerts to admin and invitation emails to users).") }}

{!! __("Talk to :bot in Telegram, create a bot and get it's API Access Token.", ['bot' => '@BotFather']) !!}
@if ($token_error)
{{ __('Invalid Bot API Token') }}: {{ $token_error }}
@endif @include('partials/field_error', ['field'=>'settings.telegram.bot_token'])
@foreach ($events as $event_code => $event_title)
@if ($channels_error)
{{ __('Could not retrieve the latest list of chats from Telegram. If you have a webhook set up for the current Telegram Bot try to disable it in order to retrive fresh chats list.') }}
@endif @if ($channels_mapping)
{{ __('To add a chat to the mapping, just send a message to a channel, group or chat where your bot is present and refresh this page.') }}
@if (count($channels_mapping))
{{ __('Mailbox') }}
{{ __('Chat') }}
@endif @foreach ($channels_mapping as $mailbox_id => $mapping)
{{ $mapping['mailbox']->name }}
@endforeach @else
{{ __('There are no mailboxes yet.') }} {{ __("Create Mailbox") }}